to Jun 4

Re-Inventing Love, by Marija Krtolica and collaborators

Dance-theater work "Re-Inventing Love" revolves around amorous relationships during a socioeconomic crisis. The starting point is love as a truth procedure through which we can get to know ourselves, and construct long lasting connections. The work sources from the writing of the philosopher Alain Badiou, avant-garde music by Luigi Nono, and surrealist poetry to creat an embodied poetics. Dramatic pathos, irony and beauty of everyday urban existence, and bold kinetic expression combine into visually striking scenes. Choreographer Marija Krtolica collaborates with performers Julie Fotheringham, Michael Mangieri, Dustin Maxwell, and guitar player Jason Ciaccio.

Buy tickets here: Friday June 3, 2022 and Saturday June 4, 2022 at 6:30pm

Photo credit: Walter Wlodarczyk

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7:00 PM19:00

ITINERANT Performance Art Festival NYC

I’ll be doing a 20 minute movement improvisation to accompany l’Artiste ordinaire’s performance of Kepler–37 as a part of ITINERANT Performance Art Festival NYC held at Smack Mellon. Here they will be blindfolded and share a single benjolin synthesizer that sits on their laps. Being unable to see either the settings of the knobs or each other, they must rely on active listening and a practiced musical telepathy to confront the inherently chaotic nature of benjolin’s circuitry and to shape its sounds into a coherent performance.

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7:00 PM19:00

The Candidate Journal Issue Release Party, Issue 8: Screens

poster image: Carl Jacobs, still frame from A Media Piece

poster image: Carl Jacobs, still frame from A Media Piece

The Candidate Journal invites you to join us for an evening of art and surprises in celebration of our long-anticipated release of Issue 8: Screens!

Video Art by Kyle Corea and Patrick Scanlon, Joanna Fuhrman, Lauren Comito, and Carl Jacobs
Poetry and Prose by Mirene Arsanios, Bethany Ides, Thomas Fink, and Joanna Fuhrman
Visual Art by Erica Roe, Sophie Morandi, Lauren Comito, Zach Seeger, Evan Reehl Ryer, Davian Flores, and Robert Buck
Dance by Julie Fotheringham, Jennifer Sydor, and Vanessa Walters
A Magical Roaming Clown
Music Performance by l'Artiste ordinaire
More artists to be announced

All proceeds go to cover the expenses of The Candidate Journal.

Bring your pocket-screen (smartphone) fully charged. Invite your friends and we'll see you there!

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7:00 PM19:00

Echo in The Body

Echo in The Body is a short performance piece reflecting my ongoing project of finding the place of the body and movement in the practice of psychoanalysis.

Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 22.02.27.jpg

" ... the drives are the echo in the body of the fact of saying."  Lacan

Guitar by Jason Ciaccio

Part of Movement Research's Open Performance

Free and open to the public. $3 suggested donation. No RSVP necessary. Just bring your body.

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6:00 PM18:00

LIVE Schreber! Schreber LIVE

I'll be doing a Schreber-influenced movement performance as part of LIVE Schreber! Schreber LIVE: an immersive, multimedia, 2-hour event inspired by Daniel Paul Schreber's book Memoirs of My Nervous Illness.

The 1877 Jefferson Market Courthouse, as it appeared in 1906.

The 1877 Jefferson Market Courthouse, as it appeared in 1906.

This event is cosponsored by Das Unbehagen, the International Society for the Psychological & Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS-US), and Hearing Voices Network NYC

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7:00 PM19:00

Movement Research Open Performance


'Cacophony' is a 10 min. solo work in regress, or digress—discord in a body not having got it together, a fragmented figure, limbs akimbo, a body not in agreement with itself, parts breaking down, a clunky decay, like a Beckett character, seeking to stop by going on. Until the bell of silence.

As part of an informal showing of works in progress, on the program with two other artists. Discussion to follow. More info about this event can be found here.

Tuesday June 14, 2016 at 7pm

Location: Movement Research at Eden's Expressway, located at 537 Broadway, 4th Floor, between Prince and Spring Streets

No Reservations and admission is FREE
A suggested donation of $3 or more is asked of those able to contribute

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7:00 PM19:00

Movement Research Open Performance

Dream Navel:  a 10 min. solo

The title derives from the following passage in Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams:

"There is often a passage in even the the most thoroughly interpreted dream which has to be left obscure; this is because we become aware during the work of interpretation that at that point there is a tangle of dream-thoughts which cannot be unraveled and which moreover adds nothing to our knowledge of the content of the dream. This is the dream's navel, the spot where it reaches down into the unknown."

photo by Paul Ward

photo by Paul Ward

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